অলীক পাতার অন্যান্য সংখ্যা- পড়তে হলে ক্লিক করুন Library ট্যাব টি

। । "অলীক পাতা শারদ সংখ্যা ১৪৩১ আসছে এই মহালয়াতে। । লেখা পাঠানোর শেষ তারিখ ১৫ ই আগস্ট রাত ১২ টা ।.."বিশদে জানতে ক্লিক করুন " Notice Board ট্যাব টিতে"

Saturday, October 1, 2022

POETRY -THE RED SNOW - Debrurpa Chakraborty (Class X)


The Red Snow

Debrurpa Chakraborty (Class X)


Cold just cold 

White snow

As far as eyes could go…


My boots tracking

My breath rasping

Body washed in cold sweat

Body tense

Finger poised

To pull the trigger at any sign


A red streak

A sign enough

I’m supposed to have no feeling

Yet feel my heart hammering


Have to kill… Have to kill


But I have a feeling

Maybe the target has a family

Maybe he is a child.


I restrain myself and argue

He has gone rogue

There’s no hope


But he is a human, my heart tells me so…

Yet I seethe with anger

On his cowardice 

Yet I hate him

Because he let the people

Control him …


There he is.

Rifle held high

It’s cold

Just cold

Yet he is sweating a cold sweat.


Just a child 

Looks at me

With fear laden eyes


But behind the mask of fear

There is stark contempt

There is malice


I am ready

The rifle poised high

I fire at point blank …


At this point it is mercy

To have freed him of evil

To have freed him of hate…


Yet is he responsible?

Or the ones behind the high chairs



Cold just


A cold spot on my soul…

| শারদ সংখ্যা-১৪২৯ | aleekpata.com | 30th Edition |

| ALEEK PATA- Your Expressive World |Online Magazine |

| Editor: Swarup Chakraborty | Publisher: Debasree Chakraborty |

| Durga Puja , 2022 | July-Oct 2022 | Fifth Year Fourth Issue  |

© All Rights Reserved by The Editor and The Publisher |

| a DISHA-The Dreamer Initiative |


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