অলীক পাতার অন্যান্য সংখ্যা- পড়তে হলে ক্লিক করুন Library ট্যাব টি

। । "অলীক পাতা শারদ সংখ্যা ১৪৩১ আসছে এই মহালয়াতে। । লেখা পাঠানোর শেষ তারিখ ১৫ ই আগস্ট রাত ১২ টা ।.."বিশদে জানতে ক্লিক করুন " Notice Board ট্যাব টিতে"

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Preface-Swarup Chakraborty

Preface -First Year Eleventh Edition

Image Courtesy: Google Image Search

My dear friends,

Welcome again, only few minutes are left before going online and I am writing this Editorial, yes, this is one of the happiest moments in the small history of ALEEK PATA, as we are ready to hand you over this ELEVENTH edition of  ALEEK PATA- The Expressive World.

Eleven months and eleven editions and one printed edition- this have been possible only because of you, my dear friends, personally we may have seen many ups and downs in our lives, but, ALEEK PATA has kept its journey continuous overcoming all odds of life.

Today evening, after 150 long years while one of the rarest celestial events is going on in the sky- the Blue Moon,  one more issue of ALEEK PATA is about to take off giving wings to our creations,  this event inspires us to keep ourselves alive.

 I don’t know may be after 150 years one of our great grand son or daughter shall remind us – as a space for Expression, as a space for Creation. As I always say- Lets’ celebrate the most beautiful event of this world- “The Life”.

With that I am going to finish this, as only 15 minutes are left to go online, to reach you through the web-world.

Hope we shall meet you soon with lots of new creations and celebration

Thank You,
See You Again

  Swarup Chakraborty
Editor- Aleek Pata

31st January,2018

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অলীকপাতার শারদ সংখ্যা ১৪২৯ প্রকাশিত, পড়তে ক্লিক করুন "Current Issue" ট্যাব টিতে , সবাইকে জানাই আন্তরিক শুভেচ্ছা

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